Caesar III

Caesar III 334KB Wersja

Caesar III - Version - 11/23/98


The update is contained in a self-extracting executable named c3up11.exe . After downloading, run the executable and follow the on screen instructions.


* There is now a warning when the building sprite limit is reached. A very large city can reach the maximum number of buildings allowed by the game. When the limit is reached, any new construction attempted results in a brown 'hole' appearing where the building should have been built. A warning has been added that indicates that the maximum has been reached.

TIPS FOR GETTING AROUND: Aqueducts, gardens, walls, and roads(plazas) do NOT count in the limit. All other buildings do. Try replacing statues with gardens. Try to find buildings that are not being used or are not necessary and delete them. Each 1x1 house counts as a buildings, so try to create more 2x2 houses. Try deleting a whole subdivision and rebuilding it to be more efficient.

* The governor's name will no longer be reset to 'The New Governor' or take the name from a previous game when changing games or maps. This will work from any new saved games (not old ones.)

* There is no longer a charge for building plazas on top of plazas.

* Governor's palaces and oracles no longer state that they have poor access to labor (they need no workers.)

* Buildings can no longer be carried between maps by selecting a building to construct and not deselecting the building before changing maps. Buildings not available in a scenario could be built this way.

* There is a warning when housing is built to far from a road (more than 2 squares).

* There is a warning when housing is cut off from the 'Road to Rome'. The map view is centered over the houses that will soon disappear due to being cut off. The delay before the houses disappear has been increased.

* In certain cases housing with two different, unique road accesses would disappear due to lack of 'Road to Rome' access when only one of the road networks it touched lacked 'Road to Rome' access. This has been fixed.

* Prefects passing by a fire that they have not been assigned to will now stop and fight the fire. The possibility of fires in the desert has been reduced a little.

* The combat strength of prefects has been increased some.

* A trade city no longer wishes to buy zero fruit per year in the Caesarea scenario. Marble can now be imported in the Damascus scenario.

* The number of places where docks and wharves could be illegally placed has been reduced. Placing these structures in certain locations would result in an inappropriate 'Low bridge is blocking access' message. In fact terrain features (islands generally) were blocking ship access to a structure.

* Building walls adjacent to a ramp will no longer corrupt the ramp (make the ramp disappear).

* Warehouses requesting a good will no longer take the good from another warehouse that is requesting the same good.

* A Market trader will no longer return to her market when the market's food stocks are exhausted but the market still has goods (pottery, furniture, oil, and wine.)

* Occasionally granaries or warehouses can become 'linked' to other granaries or warehouses. Changing special orders of one building changes the special orders of the other. Now saving and reloading the game will unlink the buildings and reset one of the buildings to its default state (all accepting.)

* The prosperity report of the Rating advisor could sometimes incorrectly state that 'Prosperity is rising' when that was not the case. This has been fixed.

* Goods that the emperor requests now come out of warehouses that are 'requesting' that good last.

* When sending requested goods to the emperor, a confirmation box pops up with a check and 'X' button for confirming or canceling the dispatch. The 'X' now correctly cancels the dispatch.

* Gatehouses can now be built upon plazas without graphically corrupting the gatehouse and making the gatehouse impossible to delete.

* Market buyers would sometimes try to buy a good from a nearby warehouse that they could not reach (lack of road connection). The market buyer would then disappear immediately after exiting her market. Buyers will now only try to go to warehouses that they can reach.

* Cohorts would not return to their fort when using the 'Return to Fort' button on the cohorts right click panel when their formation was set to 'Mop up'. Cohorts will now return to their fort.

* A bug was fixed where a gladiator's school was attempting to send gladiators to an amphitheater that was not road accessible. These gladiator's schools would then not send gladiators to buildings that were road accessible.

* Scenario win conditions set using the map editor now display correctly when choosing the map in the City Construction Kit. Formally win conditions would appear even if the condition was turned off.

* Scenarios built with winning or losing time win conditions would display the remaining time in red text on the game screen. This text has been made more aesthetic.


* 4 new Difficulty levels have been introduced (in addition to the original.) Difficulty can be changed through the options menu at any time. (Difficulty level is not stored in a saved game. It is a global game setting, so you must change the difficulty manually any time you load a saved game where you want a different difficulty.)
The Difficulty levels change the following:

Starting cash, rescue loans, and tax income:
Very Easy - 300%
Easy - 200%
Normal - 150%
Hard - 100% (original setting)
Very Hard - 50%

Starting favor and mood(happiness) settings:
Very Easy           80     70
Easy                      70     60
Normal                 60     50
Hard                      60     50
Very Hard           50     40

Wolves are not as strong at lower difficulty levels. Enemy invasion strengths have been scaled to difficulty level.

* God events can be turned off and on at any time through the options menu. Gods will not bless or curse you while this is off. The gods opinion of you works normally, they will still become angry at you (see the religion advisor) but will not do anything about it. Temples are still needed for housing evolution and for increasing the city's culture rating.

* Saved games can now be deleted from within the game. Use the Delete game option under the File menu.

* The 'Home' and 'End' keys are now hot keys for rotating the map.

* Wolves now show up as black pixels on the radar map.

* Military units and towers can now be used to kill sheep and zebras.

* A market buyers now indicates what item she is going to buy in her right click panel.


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Copyright 1997, 1998 Wydawnictwo LUPUS.